1. One of life's most simple pleasures is.... A foot rub. Long or short there is nothing better at the end of the work day, especially for those of us who have to wear heels.
2. traffic makes me want to punch someone. I can't stand traffic, mainly morning rush hour. There is not enough coffee in the world to make it tolerable.
3. I like my husband because... He is sweet to me even when I am not sweet back.

4. twitter pated is a funny word.

5. If I had to choose one beauty product to use for the rest of eternity it would be... Precipitation extra from Origins. It's is my favorite lotion to handle my crazy dry, eczema skin issues.

6. I'm happy that... It's Friday!
7. I would never.... Use the word never. I try to avoid using definitive words like, never, always, every. I change my mind and opinion to often to qualify things in such a limiting way. I also think situations and decisions depend on the specific surrounding circumstances and should not be lumped together.
Happy weekend!
- Posted using my iPad 2
I can totally relate with you on #7, though I sometimes fall into the trap of saying never.
Maybe you could come visit me too sometime.. Have a nice day!
____________________________________ http://mustbeliberating.blogspot.com/
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