I'm loving...The Vitamin String Quartet.

I found their version of Taylor Swift's Love Story on one of the blogs I frequent, Confessions of a Twenty Something. I immediately went to iTunes and down loaded a bunch of other songs by VSQ. They are great for the office or cooking. What music do you like for work or play?
I'm loving...The stationary Bond gave me for our first anniversary. the first anniversary gift is paper and he had my tattoo, which I got after we married and it symbolizes a kind of crest for our family, turned into stationary. The tattoo is a V for our last name with an "E" for Evan and a "B" for Beth (or backwards E for Elizabeth) intertwined in it.

(Tattoo on my foot)
He put it on the stationary and the envelope!

I'm loving...These new clothes I got from The Limited. They are having a great sale!

I'm loving...As always my sweet husband!

- Posted using my iPad 2
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